Financial and Life Journey Insights and Articles
Make Your Dreams A Reality
Friends of the Earth
Taking the Next Step – Ask your financial planner how you can help Save the Bees while managing your assets! What if you could make a difference to the fate of the bees while giving university students unique experience for their resumes? And what if you could do this tax-effectively while planning for your own future needs? If you work with a financial planner, she or he should be able to advise you on tax-effective options to help save the bees.
The Breakout Project is coming to Kingston in May
I read an article a few weeks ago in Kingston’s local newspaper, the Whig Standard. I was immediately struck by the scope of both the breakout project and the 1 Million Teachers Project specifically. Growing up poor, in a village called Havelock, population 1200, with a Father who couldn’t read or write, I was immediately drawn to Hakeem and his dream team’s project.
Penguins can Fly and Make Their Dreams a Reality
I had a lunch a couple weeks ago with my friend Anita Mercier. Just starting to work for the Kingston YMCA and already passionate about the services provided there, especially the Penguins ( This program assists kids with disabilities and their families, allowing them through sport to “explore their abilities and find within themselves the confidence to pursue their goals and the capacity to develop the skills that will help them see the many possibilities for their future.”

Betty-Anne Howard
Betty-Anne Howard is an award-winning Financial Planner, Author and Speaker who specializes in helping women make their dreams a reality through financial literacy and charitable giving.
Betty-Anne’s goal is to raise an additional 50M for charities in her lifetime.