Financial and Life Journey Insights and Articles

Make Your Dreams A Reality

Introducing our Philanthropists of the Month John Sutton and Colleen Earle

John Sutton and Colleen Earle have long been driven to make a positive difference in the lives of others. John Sutton and Colleen Earle have long been driven to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Although that isn’t how they’d describe themselves. Instead they’d modestly say, “it’s important to ‘pay it forward’, we feel so fortunate and recognize that not everyone can say that”.

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Money, Sex & Happily Ever After

I am developing this workshop in partnership with Kathleen Pratt. We are pleased to announce our first workshop will be held on Valentines Day. Our goal is to draw on the strengths of each of your characteristics, and allow you to discover how your partner thinks and feels about your financial scenario.

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Betty-Anne Howard

Betty-Anne Howard is an award-winning Financial Planner, Author and Speaker who specializes in helping women make their dreams a reality through financial literacy and charitable giving.

Betty-Anne’s goal is to raise an additional 50M for charities in her lifetime.

The Woman's Financial Game Plan: 7 Key Strategies

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Donor Attraction Strategies for 2021

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Donor Attraction Strategies for 2021

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Donor Attraction Strategies for 2021

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DOWNLOAD a FREE Chapter from my book, Emerge: Enhanced Life Fulfillment Through Philanthropy

Read this FREE chapter from my book to learn more about how philanthropy can be an opportunity for personal development.

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